In 2022, U.S. natural gas consumption averaged a record 88.5 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d)—the highest annual natural gas consumption, according to records beginning in 1949. U.S. natural gas consumption last year increased 5% (4.5 Bcf/d) from 2021, the second-fastest year-over-year growth since 2013. Natural gas ...
Nearly 5—or 5.8 million—U.S. households did not use any space-heating equipment in 2020, according to our most recent Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) data. Space-heating equipment is any equipment that generates heat for warmth, such as natural gas furnaces; plug-in, electric space heaters; and ...
In 2022, U.S. ethane demand increased by approximately 9%, or almost 0.2 million barrels per day (b/d), according to our Petroleum Supply Monthly. U.S. production and consumption of ethane (a hydrocarbon gas liquid used almost exclusively as a feedstock in the petrochemical industry) has grown since 2010, along with ...
Exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) will continue to drive growth in U.S. natural gas exports over the next two years, according to our recently released Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO).
Exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) will continue to drive growth in U.S. natural gas exports over the next two years, according to our recently released Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO).
On June 3, 2022, the EU adopted a sixth package of sanctions that banned imports of seaborne crude oil from Russia into the EU (effective December 5, 2022) and banned seaborne imports of petroleum products from Russia, including diesel fuel (effective February 5, 2023).
Wind, solar, and battery storage are growing as a share of new electric-generating capacity each year. In 2023, these three technologies account for 82% of the new, utility-scale generating capacity that developers plan to bring online in the United States, according to our Preliminary Monthly Electric Generator ...
The average monthly capacity factor for simple-cycle, natural gas turbine (SCGT) power plants in the United States has grown annually since 2020. Average capacity factors surpassed 20% for two consecutive summer months in 2022—the first time on record—to meet peak electricity demand, based on data from our Electric ...
In 2022, 897 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of interstate natural gas pipeline capacity was added collectively from five projects, according to our latest State-to-State Capacity Tracker, which contains information on the capacity of natural gas pipelines that cross state and international borders. In 2022, the ...
The average monthly capacity factor for simple-cycle, natural gas turbine (SCGT) power plants in the United States has grown annually since 2020. Average capacity factors surpassed 20% for two consecutive summer months in 2022—the first time on record—to meet peak electricity demand, based on data from our Electric ...
The only petroleum refinery in Colorado shut down in late December after sustaining damage from extremely cold weather, and it is expected to remain offline for months to repair, the refinery owner and operator, Calgary-based Suncor, stated. The refinery outage may tighten the supply of gasoline and diesel in Colorado ...
After adjusting for inflation, costs for major U.S. utilities to produce electricity rose 6% in 2021 as a result of rising fuel costs. For a number of years, electricity production costs had declined as natural gas prices fell and new low-cost renewable generators came online. The cost to deliver electricity across ...