Consumption of all forms of energy increases in the United States between 0% and 15% from 2022 to 2050 in our Annual Energy Outlook 2023 (AEO2023). Our projection of growth in U.S. energy consumption is the result of the effects of economic growth, population growth, and increased travel offsetting continued energy ...
In 2022, U.S. crude oil exports averaged 3.6 million barrels per day (b/d), a record high according to export data that has been collected since 1920. U.S. crude oil exports in 2022 were 22% (640,000 b/d) higher than in 2021. Increased U.S. crude oil production, releases from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and ...
U.S. natural gas production grew by 4% (4.9 billion cubic feet per day ) in 2022, averaging 119 Bcf/d. Three regions—Appalachia, Permian, and Haynesville—accounted for 60% of all U.S. production in 2022, similar to the proportion in 2021.
In 2022, 84.8 million short tons (MMst) of coal were exported from the United States, relatively unchanged from the 85.1 MMst exported in 2021. Steam coal accounted for 45% of all U.S. coal exports in 2022; metallurgical coal accounted for 55%.
Last year, the U.S. electric power sector produced 4,090 million megawatthours (MWh) of electric power. In 2022, generation from renewable sources—wind, solar, hydro, biomass, and geothermal—surpassed coal-fired generation in the electric power sector for the first time. Renewable generation surpassed nuclear ...
In 2020, 61% of U.S. households used natural gas for at least one energy end use, according to our 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS). Space heating, water heating, and cooking were the most common end uses; more than half of U.S. households used natural gas for space heating, closely followed by water ...
U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) averaged 10.6 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in 2022, increasing by 9% (0.8 Bcf/d) compared with 2021, according to our Natural Gas Monthly. The increase in U.S. LNG exports was driven by strong LNG demand in Europe, high international natural gas prices, and expanded ...
Commonly known as waste-to-energy (WTE) plants, facilities that burn municipal solid waste (MSW), or garbage, in boilers to produce steam are a small but steady source of electric power in the United States.
In 2022, the United States set a new record for petroleum product exports, up 7% from 2021, according to our Petroleum Supply Monthly. U.S. petroleum product exports averaged 5.97 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2022 (405,000 b/d more than in 2021) driven by an increase of 18% (193,000 b/d) in distillate fuel oil.
U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions drop 25% to 38% below what they were in 2005 by 2030, according to our projections in the Annual Energy Outlook 2023 (AEO2023). We use 2005 as an emissions reference year because the United States' nationally determined contribution (NDC), submitted as part of the Paris Agreement, ...
We will release our Annual Energy Outlook 2023 (AEO2023) later today. Our AEO explores long-term energy trends in the United States and presents an outlook for energy markets through 2050.
In 2021, 26% of eligible U.S. customers participated in their state's retail choice program, or 13.2 million U.S. residential electric customers, based on data from our Annual Electric Power Industry Report. The participation rate in U.S. residential retail choice programs remained relatively unchanged from 2019 to ...