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West Coast summer refinery margins decline despite reduced capacity
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West Coast summer refinery margins decline despite reduced capacity


This spring, California refinery crack spreads for gasoline and diesel dipped below average despite shrinking refinery capacity on the West Coast (PADD 5). Crack spreads are the difference between refined product prices and an equivalent volume of crude oil. We use them as a measure to estimate refinery margins based ...

U.S. jet fuel consumption in 2023 remained below the pre-pandemic high
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U.S. jet fuel consumption in 2023 remained below the pre-pandemic high


Annual jet fuel consumption in the United States grew in 2023 for the third year in a row but remained below the pre-pandemic peak in 2019, suggesting U.S. aviation had not fully returned to normal operations in the third year after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. U.S. jet fuel consumption averaged 1.65 million ...

How has energy use changed throughout U.S. history?
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How has energy use changed throughout U.S. history?


In 2023, 94 quadrillion British thermal units (quads) was consumed in the United States, a 1% decrease from 2022, according to our Monthly Energy Review. Fossil fuels—petroleum, natural gas, and coal—accounted for nearly 83% of total U.S. energy consumption in 2023. Nonfossil fuel energy—from renewable sources and ...

Increasing U.S. gasoline inventories are reducing gasoline prices
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Increasing U.S. gasoline inventories are reducing gasoline prices


Weekly U.S. average gasoline prices have declined 19 cents per gallon (gal) since the 2024 high on April 22, falling to $3.48/gal on July 1, five cents/gal less than the price a year ago. Increasing gasoline inventories, relatively weak demand, and oil prices below recent peaks are all contributing to falling gasoline ...

Panama Canal traffic to increase as drought conditions ease
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Panama Canal traffic to increase as drought conditions ease


The Panama Canal Authority (APC) announced this month that it will increase the number of daily booking slots for vessels transiting the Panama Canal to 35 in August, easing rules that restricted shipping traffic through the narrow waterway since last year. The APC increased booking slots following higher rainfall at ...

U.S. energy production exceeded consumption by record amount in 2023
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U.S. energy production exceeded consumption by record amount in 2023


In 2023, energy production in the United States rose 4% to nearly 103 quadrillion British thermal units (quads), a record. Energy consumption in the United States fell 1% to 94 quads during the same period. Production exceeded consumption by 9 quads, more than at any other time in our records, which date to 1949.

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